Does Your Pup Eat Too Fast? Puppy Training Methods for Speed Eaters

The second you set down the bowl, your pup devours all the food. You’ve got a speed eater – and while gobbling up meals in the blink of an eye isn’t always a concern, puppy training might be necessary. 

Eating too quickly can result in a host of issues, from gagging and vomiting to bloat, a serious and potentially deadly condition. The Portland puppy training professionals at Blackwood Canine can help prevent these health problems and keep your furry friend happy at mealtime. Here, we share puppy training techniques that can work to help speed eaters slow down.

puppy training methods for speed eaters

Why Do Dogs Gulp Down Their Food?

Some dogs take time to carefully chew and enjoy each morsel, while others make short work of meals, inhaling the food so quickly that it makes you wonder if they even chewed a single bite. Why is this?

Eating too quickly usually has nothing to do with how much a dog likes their food. If your pup is a speed eater, one of the following is likely the reason:

  • They had to compete for food with their litter mates

  • They instinctually feel as if they have to eat fast

  • They wolf down food to keep your other pets from taking it all

  • They aren’t getting the proper nutrition, so they feel extra hungry

An underlying health condition, such as diabetes or Cushing’s syndrome, could also be affecting your dog’s metabolism and making them ravenous. A parasite or worms could also be to blame. If the reason your pup devours their meals isn’t clear, you may want to consult with a local veterinarian.

In any case, you’ll want to address the speed eating as soon as possible to keep the issue from causing health problems. To do so, Portland puppy training professionals suggest trying these techniques.

Use a Slow-Feeder Dog Bowl

Purchasing a special feeder could be an effective solution. Slow-feed bowls feature a raised ring in the center, which your pup will have to work around to get to their food. The gap isn’t very large, so they’ll be forced to eat at a slower pace.

Try Hand-Feeding Your Puppy

Why not turn puppy training sessions into mealtimes? Use your dog’s regular food as a reward when working on skills, offering a bit at a time. The hand-feeding approach makes meals safer, and offering food rewards can help you achieve results.

Offer Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Another puppy training tip for a speed eater is to break down their meals into a few parts. Offer a small portion at first, and follow up with more a little bit later. Your pooch will learn that more food is coming soon, which can help them stop eating too fast.

Fill Interactive Toys with Food

You can find puzzle games and toys that double as slow-feeders. Puppy training professions recommend putting your pup’s meals in a fun, interactive toy – they’ll be entertained and they’ll be eating their food much more slowly.

Put Meals on a Snuffle Feeding Mat

Snuffle mats are designed to encourage natural forging skills in dogs, with dozens of fabric strips that hide food. Your puppy will have to use their nose to find each bite, which ensures that they can’t wolf it all down too quickly.

Get Expert Help with Puppy Training

If you’ve tried all the strategies listed above and your puppy is still swallowing their food in a flash, working with a professional dog trainer may be your best bet. But be sure to look for someone who has experience dealing with this particular behavioral issue.

Blackwood Canine is Here to Help

Do you live in Portland or the nearby northwestern Oregon area? The puppy training professionals at Blackwood Canine can help your speed eater slow down.

We’re passionate about puppy training, and we’ve been working with pet parents for more than a decade. Our professional dog trainers have experience with all breeds of puppies and dogs, and we know how to help canines that are aggressive, fearful or have severe anxiety.

At Blackwood Canine, we use evidence-based puppy training techniques, and we also take great care to make learning fun. By employing a balanced approach, with clear communication and positive reinforcement, our professional dog trainers achieve results. We offer several puppy training solutions, including:

  • Puppy Jump Start – a 3-week training program for pups as young as 8 weeks

  • In-Home Training – one-on-one lessons with a professional trainer at your home

  • In-Facility Training – private sessions at our dog training facility in Scappoose

We also offer a number of dog boot programs -- including a 4- to 6-week immersion program, a 6- to 8-week behavior modification program and an 8- to 10-week advanced re-conditioning program – all of which include follow-up private dog training lessons to help Portland area pet parents achieve results at home. Contact us for a professional evaluation, and we’ll point you toward the right puppy training solution for your little fur baby.

Blackwood Canine is here to provide the help you need to make your pup a slower eater. For more information on our dog training services, or to speak with one of our Portland puppy training professionals, contact our Oregon office today.


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